This role will help to create and remove instances on several different providers. It can also be used to demonstrate multi cloud use cases.
WARNING: Support for Red Hat Virtualization currently has no owner and will no longer be maintained and eventually be removed! If you’re interested in keeping it alive, please volunteer as a maintainer.
The Ansible SSA collection containing this role is shipped with the Ansible SSA Execution Environment. For best results, it is recommended to use the Execution Environment to make sure all prerequisites are met.
The role is optimized to be used from the Playbook RHAAP which will be called by a Job Template created by this role.
If you want to use it in your playbook for GCP:
- name: deploy instance
hosts: localhost
connection: local
type: gcp
instance_name: demo
instance_flavor: n1-standard-1
instance_disk_size: 20
name: ansible_ssa.general.instance
If you want to use it in your playbook for AWS EC2:
- name: deploy instance
hosts: localhost
connection: local
type: ec2
instance_name: grafana_server
instance_flavor: t2.large
instance_disk_size: 10
instance_additional_port: "3000"
ec2_image_name: "RHEL-9.3.0_HVM-*x86_64"
name: ansible_ssa.general.instance
If you want to use it in your playbook for VMWARE:
- name: deploy instance
hosts: localhost
connection: local
type: vmware
instance_name: demo
instance_group: controller
instance_parameters: "{{ controller_instance_parameters | default ({}) }}"
name: ansible_ssa.general.instance
or for vmware (second example):
- name: deploy instance
hosts: localhost
connection: local
type: vmware
instance_name: demo
instance_group: controller
instance_parameters.vmware_instance_diskgb: '10'
instance_parameters.vmware_instance_memmb: '8192'
instance_parameters.vmware_instance_cpus: '2
name: ansible_ssa.general.instance
To create multiple VMs, there are some things to keep in mind. First off simply loop the creation of virtual machines, as such:
- name: Create {{ max_number }} of VMs
name: ansible_ssa.general.instance
instance_name: "myvm-{{item}}"
- "1-{{ max_number }}"
To prevent hitting your quotas on number of networks or VPCs created, when creating VMs on Azure, GCP or AWS, ensure to define the corresponding network/VPC variable, if you do not do that, a unique network/VPC will be created for each VM.
ec2_vpc_name: my-vpc-name
gcp_network_name: my-network-name
do_vpc_name: my-vpc-name
To remove or delete a VM or instance, use the same role, but with the “remove” variables set to true.
- name: Remove instance
hosts: localhost
connection: local
type: gcp
instance_name: demo
remove: true
name: ansible_ssa.general.instance
Instead of using the role directly, consider using the Ansible SSA Collection
The role will automatically add created systems if you have set dyndns: true
. If you then also define instance_group: something
the role will add the system to that specific group. If not defined, it simply adds it to the inventory with no group.
If you are not using dyndns: true
, then automate against systems which you have created, easiest is to use a dynamic inventory plugin. An easy way to find systems you have created, is to use filters, which allows you to find systems which has specific tags.
This role will create a Name:SystemNameYouGave tag automatically.
Read more here:
You can also use this trick, where you access the previously created linux_vm or windows_vm variables, which are registered when such a system is created. As such:
- name: deploy instance
hosts: localhost
connection: local
type: ec2
instance_name: grafana_server
instance_flavor: t2.large
instance_disk_size: 10
instance_additional_port: "3000"
ec2_image_name: "RHEL-9.3.0_HVM-*x86_64*"
name: ansible_ssa.general.instance
- name: do things
hosts: all
ec2_instance_feedback: "{{ hostvars['localhost']['linux_vm'] }}"
- name: Add created host to in-memory inventory
add_host: hostname={{ item.public_ip_address }} groups=linux
with_items: "{{ ec2_instance_feedback.instances }}"
- name: Ping systems
data: pong from Ansible
Check the defaults/main.yml for details on variables used by this role.