CI Pipeline
To increase code quality of the playbooks, roles and modules, the project is using an extensive CI pipeline for automated testing. In a nutshell we do the following tests:
run ansible-lint on each playbook, role and the collection
build the Ansible SSA Collection
build the execution environment
publish the execution environment on Quay (access to this repository requires a Red Hat Employee account)
run a job on automation controller which deploys AAP on AWS, Azure and Google
notify all relevant activities on Slack
update the pages documentation which is automatically published on Ansible SSA Labs website
GitLab CI pipeline
Each repository has a CI pipeline to triggers the following chain.
graph LR;
subgraph GitLab
role-instance(role-instance) --> collection_general(ansible_ssa.general)
collection_general --> ee(ee-ansible-ssa)
role-controller-content( role-controller-content ) --> collection_general
role-controller-setup( role-controller-setup ) --> collection_general
role-automationhub-content( role-automationhub-content ) --> collection_general
role-automationhub-setup( role-automationhub-setup ) --> collection_general
playbook-rhaap( playbook-rhaap ) --> collection_general
role-win_* --> collection_windows(
collection_windows --> ee
subgraph CI AAP
aap-ci( AAP CI Workflow ) --> ci-aws( CI AWS )
aap-ci --> ci-azure( CI Azure )
aap-ci --> ci-gcp( CI GCP )
subgraph Documentation
role-instance --> pages(Pages Documentation Project)
collection_general --> pages
collection_windows --> pages
role-controller-content --> pages
role-controller-setup --> pages
role-automationhub-content --> pages
role-automationhub-setup --> pages
playbook-rhaap --> pages
ee --> aap-ci
There is an installation of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform which is called to launch a CI workflow. The Workflow will run the playbook-rhaap on AWS, Azure and Google Cloud in parallel. After each playbook-rhaap.yml
run, the cloud resources will be removed by launching the playbook with the remove=true extra variable.