
Ansible Role: instance

This role will help to create and remove instances on several different providers. It can also be used to demonstrate multi cloud use cases.

WARNING: Support for Red Hat Virtualization currently has no owner and will no longer be maintained and eventually be removed! If you’re interested in keeping it alive, please volunteer as a maintainer.

How to install this role

The Ansible SSA collection containing this role is shipped with the Ansible SSA Execution Environment. For best results, it is recommended to use the Execution Environment to make sure all prerequisites are met.

How to use this role

The role is optimized to be used from the Playbook RHAAP which will be called by a Job Template created by this role.

If you want to use it in your playbook:

- name: deploy instance
    type: gcp
    instance_name: demo
    instance_flavor: n1-standard-1
    instance_disk_size: 20
    name: ansible.ssa.general.instance

or for vmware:

- name: deploy instance
    type: vmware
    instance_name: demo
    instance_group: controller
    instance_parameters: "{{ controller_instance_parameters | default ({}) }}"
    name: ansible.ssa.general.instance

or for vmware (second example):

- name: deploy instance
    type: vmware
    instance_name: demo
    instance_group: controller
    instance_parameters.vmware_instance_diskgb: '10'
    instance_parameters.vmware_instance_memmb: '8192'
    instance_parameters.vmware_instance_cpus: '2
    name: ansible.ssa.general.instance

To remove or delete a VM or instance, use the same role, but with the “remove” variables set to true.

- name: Remove instance
    type: gcp
    instance_name: demo
    remove: true
    name: ansible.ssa.general.instance

Instead of using the role directly, consider using the Ansible SSA Collection


Check the defaults/main.yml for details on variables used by this role.